Two new proposals have been made to build on our surrounding Green Belt.
The first application proposes the construction of 95 assisted living units and a 75 bed care home at Wilton Park, actually in the same location they originally planned to provide football pitches for the community as part of a 106 agreement.
Here are the details and a link to the application:
PL/23/1448/FA | Demolition of existing buildings to allow for the construction of 95 assisted living units (Use Class C2) and a 75 bed care home (also use class C2) along with associated communal facilities, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, landscaping, drainage and other associated works | Land at Wilton Park Gorell Road
The second application is for 120 houses (16 x 1 bedroom, 27 x 2 bedroom, 23 x 4 bedroom) at the Miller & Carter roundabout on the A40 in Holtspur.
Here are the details and a link to the application:
PL/23/1801/OA | Outline application for the erection of up to 120 residential dwellings, including affordable and self-build homes (Use Class C3) (matter to be considered at this stage: access) | Land at Broad Lane Holtspur Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire.
Send an email to the planning department and let them know your views!
Include the planning ref and your name and address.
We have very little Green Belt left, we are in the middle of a climate emergency – WE MUST ACT NOW.