We won! Beeches Park appeal dismissed

We are delighted to report that the Beeches Park Appeal (450 homes on our greed belt) has been dismissed! Thank you so very much to all of you who have supported us, we couldn't have done this without you!
We must also once again thank CPRE Bucks who so generously funded our Landscape expert at the Appeal and also Bucks Council who robustly defended the Appeal. Beaconsfield Town Council also submitted a strong objection and submitted an Ecology Report pointing out the ecology failings.
The Appeal sat for 10 days of witness examinations in chief, cross-examinations and legal submissions and only closed on 2nd December, so the decision was timely made. Our KC, planning consultants and Landscape expert did an amazing job and we are very grateful to them. Our experts were cross-examined for hours on end and they were fantastic. The prize for the longest cross-examination by Portman's barrister went to Bucks' planning consultant who was cross-examined for four hours!
We now look to our elected representatives to make good on Government promises to *really* protect our greed belt going forwards. It's up to them now.

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