SBDC and CDC have released an interim report on the Emerging Local Plan (2014 – 2036) entitled
"Green Belt Development Options Appraisal - Post Preferred Green Belt Options Consultation"
The critical sections relating to Beaconsfield are on pages 43 to 49 inclusive.
To read it Click Here. To see the TBS fulsome response to the consultation Click Here.
Highlights of the interim report sound ominous....
Area East of Beaconsfield
Consultation Proposition Summary: The developable area needs to be assessed but would be significantly less that the option area of 51.22ha to be removed from the Green Belt. The option is for a mixed use development with an estimated 1,500 to 1,700 dwellings (market and affordable housing, specialist housing for elder people, Gypsy and Travellers and self-build houses), local centre(s), employment, sports pitches and open space, local shopping, services and community facilities and associated infrastructure.
Conclusion: Remove from the Green Belt and include as a mixed use comprehensive development proposal to be in accordance with an agreed development brief and part subject to delivery of the proposed Beaconsfield Relief Road.
The option is in part identified using the Wilton Park SPD boundary which is not necessarily the most appropriate boundary should the area be taken out of the Green Belt. A clear defensible Green Belt boundary will need to be considered using the existing option area or the most appropriate nearest boundary
Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation
Overall: The Councils received 352 objections to the option, (11.63% of all representations). Of the 352 objecting representations the following issues were the most frequently raised:
Traffic - 216 (61.36%)
Infrastructure - 203 (57.67%)
Education - 172 (48.86%)
Green Belt - 168 (47.73%)
Character - 164 (46.59%)
Health (Hospitals and GPs) - 160 (45.45%)
Transport - 108 (30.68%)
Parking - 93 (26.42%)
Open Space/ Outdoor Recreation - 82 (23.30%)
Overdevelopment - 80 (22.73%)
Affordable Housing - 75 (21.31%)
In response to what should be sought from development, the most frequently stated improvements where (number of respondents indicated in brackets):
ï‚· Infrastructure improvements (66);
ï‚· School provision (55);
ï‚· Healthcare provision (20);
ï‚· Affordable housing (39);
ï‚· Road Improvements (33)
ï‚· Parking (33);
ï‚· Community facilities (25)
ï‚· Relief Road (18); and
ï‚· Leisure facilities (14).
Key Duty to Co-operate Organisation’s Summary Comments.
Natural England - This site is within 800m of the AONB and proposes 1500-1700 dwellings. This site will require a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment to show there are no visual impacts.
Historic England - The site has four grade II listed buildings at Wilton Park Farm and a grade II listed milestone. If this site is taken forward for development, these should be retained with sufficient land around the farm complex left undeveloped to reflect their original purpose and historical significance.
Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group - Option 9 is one of the more preferred options and that it is committed to significant investment in Beaconsfield in the form of a new building, combining the two existing practices in Beaconsfield to provide additional capacity for this increase in the population. The CCG stated that they would be looking for Council support to ensure appropriate developer contributions towards health infrastructure.
Bucks Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership - The proximity of this site to junction 2 on the M40 and the links to the existing community in Beaconsfield would make this site appear to be amongst the most attractive and developable of all of the employment sites proposed in this review. This location would be attractive for Head Office development as well as a potential logistics base.
Buckinghamshire County Council - No comment on Green Belt matters. The County Council is looking to implement a link road between Pyebush Roundabout and the A355 (opposite Maxwell Road) through part of the land proposed for residential development. Seek improvements to recreation and linkages between new residents and existing communities as part of the wider redevelopment of the option. Identified as having moderate ecological sensitivity.
Other Key Consultees Summary, including Parish/Town Councils and land owners.
Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils Environmental Health - A linear strip of land to each side of the motorways in South Bucks has been declared as an AQMA. Although the options mentioned above are not within the AQMA they are adjacent or nearby. It is strongly recommended that an air quality assessment including baseline monitoring should be carried out in these areas, especially if they are to be considered for residential.
The Woodland Trust - Raised significant concerns to the option and objected to its release from the Green Belt based on the presence of Ancient Woodland and swathes of natural and semi-natural areas throughout the site.
CALA Homes (Chiltern) Ltd, Hawkstone Properties PLC and with agreement of Hall Barn Estate - Promoting the release of land south of the A40 (to the west of the A355) and area north of the M40 along the southern part of Beaconsfield Old Town.
Portman Estate - Supportive of land north of Minerva Way (enclosed by the proposed A355 Relief Road) to be removed from the Green Belt to allow for development of the site.
Inland Homes - Promoted a masterplan for the redevelopment of the option including residential uses, employment uses, and areas of open space.
Halltec Environmental Ltd - Promoting the land north of the A40 for release from development.
Beaconsfield Town Council - Supportive of Option 9 on three criteria: that the Councils can demonstrate exceptional circumstances; a defensible boundary can be identified with no residential development east of the proposed relief road; and the site is developed as part of a single development and masterplanned as such. Support relocation of businesses from the centre to the option (with access to motorway and services). Priority should be given to providing key workers dwellings and those with a local connection, or those who want to downsize. Infrastructure deficiencies should be addressed as part of any development and the historic character of the Old Town should be protected.
The Beaconsfield Society - Raise issues around the HEDNA population projections, Green Belt Assessment and impacts on transport and infrastructure. To see the full TBS full submisson Click here.
Sport England - Site should include recreation provision.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust - Raised significant concerns to the option and objected to its release from the Green Belt based on the presence of Ancient Woodland and swathes of natural and semi-natural areas throughout the site.