Older news

Litter Pick 2019 8 June 10am

Saturday POSTER and signup here

"Enjoy Beaconsfield" Walks

"All weather" Laminated Maps available at Library and Town Hall NOW! 12 walks with videos and directions.

Beaconsfield Hopper Bus

Mondays and Wednesdays. View or download the timetable here

Festival of Lights - Wednesday 12 December ROADS CLOSED

from 5.30pm until 9.30pm in the New Town Beaconsfield.

Litter pick Working party 24 November

Meet 10am Town Hall Green all equipment supplied.

Save Beaconsfield: JustGiving PayPal Cheques BACS DONATE NOW!

Experts cost money, hope and passion alone will not save HP9.

Green Belt SECOND DROP IN Announced

Saturday 30 June between 10AM and 1PM, Fitzwilliams Centre, Old Town

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